
Hi! I'm Alexandra

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MindSwitch Mondays #78: How I got my kids to give up their screens this summer...

Hi Friends, It’s been a while since my last newsletter MindSwitch Mondays, but I assure you I haven't stopped thinking about EduParenting. Now more about screen time and smartphones. This summer I was struggling to keep my kids off screens and get them engaged in play-based childhood activities. I can feel some eyebrows raising now, mhm, I think I’m not alone in this. Aren’t I? We went through arguments, having timers to stop screen time use, and even setting consequences because they would...

Hello MindSwitch Community, I am back! Today, we're diving into a topic that most parents can relate to – setting respectful boundaries versus permissive parenting. Probably your socials are swamped with posts about Respectful Parenting or not.Perhaps you have heard your parent friends talk about “Respectful Parenting” and are trying things out. The thing is, many parents are confusing Respectful Parenting with Permissive Parenting, and this is causing a problem for our kids and for society....

One of the most common questions I get from parents is, “Will my kid fall behind if I don’t keep them engaged in academics during summer?” Children need to have a break and enjoy their summer vacation. But the first thought that pops into my head is mindswitching from thinking that we need to keep our kids engaged in academics, to thinking about continuous learning. The Summer Slide is real. The summer slide refers to the tendency for students to lose some of their academic progress over the...

Hi Friends, I'm writing this issue with an exciting heart, there’s so much I want to share. Today’s MindSwitch Mondays is a summary of the ten premises of the future of education I’ve been exploring for the past year. When we think about education we need to understand that its main purpose is to empower individuals with knowledge, skills, and values to help them reach their full potential and contribute positively to society. We want our kids to thrive in their future, right? But, we live in...

“What do I do, Mom?” My daughter kept asking me this question as we talked about a situation she kept having with her sister. “You know what to do, take a step back, think about your feelings, reach out to your sister to express your concerns, and consider what limits you need to set. You are strong and capable and will find your way through this.” I recently revisited SEL and how learning to manage emotions and others affects students learning. SEL stands for Social and Emotional Learning....

Did you know that to make the new iPhone 13 Pro, Apple has to work with six countries to assemble all the parts? According to Statista, the iPhone components are developed in the USA, China, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Think about it this way, to make this iPhone, Apple has to coordinate with people who speak six different languages, have six different cultures, and use six different currencies. Here’s the thing, the iPhone 13 Pro was developed in our globalized world....

Have you ever tried an apple crisp or apple crumble before? Apple crisps are a traditional fall dessert in the United States and are easy to make! Traditional apple crisp recipes require at least six types of apples. But I usually only used one or two to make it. Do you know why? Because there are usually only about two or three types of apples in the local supermarket. Did you know that there are more than 7,500 varieties of apples, but only very few are ever available? While this newsletter...

K: “Mom, This is not true at all!” M: “What? What are you talking about” K: “THIS, read this!” We were at the ski slopes for easter week and as we were going up the lift, my daughter got upset about what she read on the advertisement card on the chair lift. The Ad for the Ski School said: “Friends don’t let friends teach friends” Here’s the thing, how did my daughter know that what she was reading was not true? We live in a world where opinions have become headlines, where the news is...

Hey there, parents and educators! Are you feeling flexible today? No, I'm not talking about doing yoga or gymnastics (although that's always a good idea). I'm talking about the skill of being flexible. Today’s world is technology driven. The speed at which technology is moving is pushing our living pace. FAST! Flexibility is the secret sauce that helps both individuals and organizations adapt to this constantly evolving and innovative world. Flexibility is critical in today's ever-changing...

Do you remember when as a kid you would try to find that one pencil that had the new eraser on the top to work on your assignment? Having that eraser on the top meant you could erase all mistakes quickly without leaving any cookie crumb trail of mistakes behind. What if I tell you that the best pencils are the ones that have no erasers at the top. Those pencils that cannot erase the learning process that happens in every assignment. There is power in pencils with no erasers. I recently...