
Hi! I'm Alexandra

What's your style, Respectful Parenting or Permissive Parenting? MindSwitch Mondays #77

Published 9 months ago • 6 min read

Hello MindSwitch Community,

I am back!

Today, we're diving into a topic that most parents can relate to – setting respectful boundaries versus permissive parenting. Probably your socials are swamped with posts about Respectful Parenting or not.Perhaps you have heard your parent friends talk about “Respectful Parenting” and are trying things out. The thing is, many parents are confusing Respectful Parenting with Permissive Parenting, and this is causing a problem for our kids and for society.

In this issue you will:

  • Learn what permissive and respectful parenting are
  • Why respectful parenting matters in the modern world
  • Take a quick quiz to learn what type of parenting you are leaning more towards
  • Learn strategies to support you in respectful parenting

Let's kick things off by understanding what these parenting styles are all about. Setting respectful boundaries means creating clear rules and limits while still honoring your child's individuality and autonomy. It's like building a secure fortress while allowing your child to explore freely within its walls.

On the other hand, permissive parenting is like the ultimate fun fair where there are hardly any rules, and freedom takes center stage. It's all about granting your child maximum independence to roam around the fairgrounds, making their choices as they go.

But before we continue let’s look at the History…

Parenting styles have evolved over the years. Back in the day, it was more of a "my way or the highway" approach. But we have come a long way! Today, we understand that finding the right balance is essential for raising happy and well-adjusted kids. And in order to do so, we need to lay a foundation of communication and trust.

When we set respectful boundaries, we're creating a solid foundation of trust by keeping the channels of communication open. Imagine having secret doors in our fortress where our child can share their thoughts and feelings without hesitation.

Permissive parenting, however, can sometimes leave those doors a little creaky. While trust is present, your little one might hesitate to express their concerns, fearing they might be on their own in the bustling fairgrounds.

Why Respectful Parenting matters in the Modern World?

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, practicing respectful parenting has become more vital than ever. Treating our children with kindness and understanding lays the foundation for their emotional well-being, growth, and the relationships they build throughout their lives. Here's why respectful parenting truly matters:

  • Nurturing Trust: Respectful parenting builds a rock-solid foundation of trust between you and your child. When kids feel respected and heard, they develop a deep sense of trust in their caregivers which becomes the cornerstone of a strong parent-child bond, fostering open communication and emotional security.
  • Building Emotional Intelligence: By practicing respectful parenting, we're giving our children the space to express their feelings and emotions freely. This helps them develop emotional intelligence. Kids who are emotionally intelligent tend to have healthier relationships and cope better with life's ups and downs.
  • Encouraging Independence: Respectful parenting is like a launchpad for your child's independence journey. By setting clear, age-appropriate boundaries and allowing them to make choices within those limits, we're empowering them to become confident decision-makers. Independence is their rocket fuel for success in life!
  • Fostering Self-Esteem: When kids are treated with respect and empathy, they learn that their thoughts and opinions matter. This positive reinforcement builds a strong sense of self-worth and boosts their self-esteem. Confident kids are more likely to take on challenges, set ambitious goals, and believe in their abilities.
  • Teaching Responsibility: With respectful parenting, responsibility becomes a fun and rewarding adventure. By involving your child in decision-making and holding them accountable for their actions, they learn the value of responsibility.
  • Developing Empathy and Compassion: As parents, we are our children's first teachers. By demonstrating respect and compassion towards them and others, we sow the seeds of empathy in their hearts. When kids experience empathy in their daily interactions, they become kind-hearted and caring individuals.

Respectful parenting holds incredible importance in today's fast-paced and interconnected world. This approach recognizes that kids are individuals too, deserving of the same respect we give to adults. Respectful parenting isn't just a trend, it's a way to raise kind, confident, and emotionally intelligent future generations.

Quick quiz to learn what parenting style you are leaning more towards…

Scenario 1: Your 9-year-old wants to stay up late on a school night to finish a fun project. What do you do?

A) Let them stay up as late as they want; it's all about their creative freedom!

B) Set a respectful boundary and suggest they continue the project after a good night's sleep.

Scenario 2: Your 7-year-old has a meltdown at the grocery store because they want a sugary treat. How do you handle it?

A) Give in to avoid a scene and buy the treat.

B) Acknowledge their feelings, but kindly explain the family's healthy eating choices.

Scenario 3: Your 11-year-old forgets to do their homework, again! How do you address the situation?

A) Brush it off; everyone makes mistakes sometimes!

B) Set a respectful boundary and discuss the importance of responsibility and time management.

Scenario 4: Your 13-year-old wants to attend a late-night party with older friends. How do you respond?

A) Allow them to go; they're growing up, and they should have some freedom!

B) Set a respectful boundary, explain your concerns, and suggest an age-appropriate alternative.

Scenario 5: Your 8-year-old constantly interrupts when you're having a conversation with other adults. How do you handle it?

A) Ignore the interruptions; they'll eventually learn proper manners on their own.

B) Address the interruptions respectfully and teach them the importance of waiting their turn to speak.

Count up your A's and B's!

If you mostly answered A: You might be leaning towards permissive parenting. Remember, setting respectful boundaries can provide the support and structure your child needs to thrive while still fostering their creativity and independence.
If you mostly answered B: Yay! You've got a great grasp of setting respectful boundaries. Keep up the great work in guiding your child while respecting their individuality.

So what strategies should we use to practice respectful parenting?

👂🏼Be an Active Listener.

When your child comes to you with their thoughts, feelings, or concerns give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and show genuine interest in what they're saying. Empathize with their emotions and validate their feelings, even if you don't agree with their perspective. This creates a safe and supportive space for open communication and strengthens your bond.

🛑 Set Clear and Age-Appropriate Boundaries.

Respectful parenting isn't about being permissive; it's about setting clear boundaries with love and understanding. Establish age-appropriate rules and limits, explaining the reasons behind them. Involve your child in the decision-making process whenever possible, allowing them to have a say in certain rules to fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility in them.

✅ Use Positive Reinforcement:

Celebrate the small wins! Use positive reinforcement to acknowledge your child's efforts and achievements. Praise their hard work, creativity, and acts of kindness. A simple "Well done!" or "I'm proud of you!" goes a long way in boosting their self-esteem and encouraging positive behavior.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Problem-Solving Together:

Involve your child in solving everyday problems and conflicts. Instead of imposing solutions, encourage them to brainstorm ideas with you. This collaborative approach helps them develop critical thinking skills and a sense of empowerment. Together, you'll find creative solutions that work for both of you, and take both perspectives into the equation.

👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽 Model Respectful Behavior:

As parents, you are your child's most significant role models. Demonstrate respectful behavior in your interactions with them and others. Show kindness, empathy, and patience in your daily actions. When they witness respectful communication and actions from you, they'll naturally learn and adopt the same behaviors. Respectful kids grow up into respectful adults.

As we wrap up our exploration of this parenting dilemma, it's evident that the line between Respectful Parenting and Permissive Parenting can sometimes be a blurry one. In a world swamped with advice and opinions, it's easy to get caught up in misconceptions. However, by taking the time to understand the nuances of these approaches, we're not only benefiting our children's growth and development but also contributing to a more harmonious society.

As we strive to strike the right balance between boundaries and freedom, let's remember that parenting is all about embracing the journey, one twist and turn at a time!

Until next time, keep playing, keep loving, and keep parenting like the amazing superstars you are!



p.s. Feel free to reply to this email if you need parenting coaching, we can hop on a call and tackle this together!

Follow me on my social media adventures as education evolves!

Hi! I'm Alexandra

Education Consultant and Author

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