MindSwitch Mondays #73: How to Guide Kids in Developing Global Awareness

Did you know that to make the new iPhone 13 Pro, Apple has to work with six countries to assemble all the parts?

According to Statista, the iPhone components are developed in the USA, China, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Think about it this way, to make this iPhone, Apple has to coordinate with people who speak six different languages, have six different cultures, and use six different currencies.

Here’s the thing, the iPhone 13 Pro was developed in our globalized world. Apple had to know how to communicate, understand, and do business with six different cultures.

This leads me to what I want to talk about.

How can we teach our kids global awareness and equip them with the skills they need in a globalized world?

But there’s a difference between globalization and global awareness.

While globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world’s economies, societies, and cultures, Global awareness refers to how we can create this interconnectedness.

The main difference is that globalization is about changing the world, and global awareness is about being open-minded and respectful towards people from different places.

Based on a study done by the UN, there is an estimated total of 281 million people living in a country other than their countries of birth compared to 128 million in 1990. It has doubled in 30 years, and this trend only continues for future generations.

Next thing we know, we will be given a World Passport.

​​Imagine our planet as a giant puzzle with many colorful pieces. Each country represents a unique puzzle piece; when they all come together, they create our beautiful world.

When we teach kids about different countries and cultures, we help them understand how all these puzzle pieces fit together. They learn that people worldwide have their languages, traditions, and ways of life, making our global puzzle diverse and fascinating.

For example, they might discover that in Japan, people celebrate cherry blossom festivals and deeply respect nature. In Spain, they might learn about Dia de Reyes, where families celebrate the birth of Jesus and how the three wise men visited Him to honor Him.

By understanding and appreciating these cultural differences, kids start to see the bigger picture of our interconnected world. They realize that despite our unique backgrounds, we all share the same planet and have so much to learn from one another.

This knowledge fosters empathy, respect, and curiosity in children. It broadens their horizons and helps them embrace diversity, cultivating a mindset of global citizenship. Together, as the puzzle pieces of the world, we can build a brighter future for everyone.

What strategies can we use as parents to teach Global Awareness to our kids?

📚 Read Together. Explore the world through books and stories. Introduce children to diverse cultures, countries, and perspectives through age-appropriate books, folktales, and stories.

👩🏽‍💻 Use technology for virtual exploration. Find apps, online programs, and resources that can open your kid’s mind to other cultures. Watch documentaries, use interactive maps, or connect with people from other cultures through video calls or pen pal programs.

🌎 Foster open-mindedness and empathy: Encourage children to embrace diversity and respect different perspectives. Teach them about empathy, kindness, and the importance of treating others fairly and respectfully, regardless of their background or nationality.

🪅 Celebrate cultural diversity at home: Organize family activities celebrating different cultures and traditions. Try cooking a meal from another country, learning basic phrases in a foreign language, or attending cultural festivals and events.

👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽 Engage in community service: Involve children in community service projects that promote global awareness. Volunteer at local organizations supporting international causes or participate in initiatives that raise awareness about global issues like hunger, environmental conservation, or refugee support.

Kids can make the world kinder and happier by learning to appreciate and respect others. Global awareness teaches them big issues like saving our planet, helping those in need, and being good global citizens.

So let’s embark on this global adventure with our kids and watch them grow into compassionate, curious, and open-minded individuals who can make a positive difference in our amazing globalized world!

But you probably wonder, ‘Where do I begin finding the right resources to support my kid’s global awareness learning?’

You are not alone in this! And this is why we built Livada, to guide parents in planning for their kid’s enrichment education. Learning is not only about academics; learning goes beyond traditional schooling. I joined the Livada founding team a year ago, and I want to gift you all a FREE trial for supporting me in this newsletter. *(Claim yours before May 25th 2023)

Get onboard HERE and start planning for your kid’s global awareness education.

Before I sign off, I want to welcome the new subscribers to our growing community! If you enjoyed and learned from this issue, share it with your friends, lets grow this community of MindSwitchers together!

What strategies are you currently using to develop global awareness in your kids?
Hit the reply button and share. Let’s learn together!

Until the next issue,


From MindSwitch Education


Follow me on my social media adventures as education evolves!

Hi! I'm Alexandra

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