MindSwitch Mondays #70: On Flexibility as a SuperSkill

Hey there, parents and educators!

Are you feeling flexible today? No, I'm not talking about doing yoga or gymnastics (although that's always a good idea).

I'm talking about the skill of being flexible.

Today’s world is technology driven. The speed at which technology is moving is pushing our living pace. FAST! Flexibility is the secret sauce that helps both individuals and organizations adapt to this constantly evolving and innovative world.

Flexibility is critical in today's ever-changing world as it allows us to navigate through changes in our careers, including changes in the job market, technological advancements, and shifts in industry demand.

It also allows us to explore different career paths, learn new skills, and take on new challenges that may lead to more fulfilling and rewarding careers.

A shocking 30% of the workforce will change jobs every 12 months. That’s like changing careers 5-7 times during our working life.

As technology advances and its use increases, we must be more flexible to adapt to the world’s needs.

The challenge is it’s often hard to be flexible.

We are flexible when we learn about no-code tools to understand what our team is doing. When we try out a new workout because running is not giving us the results we seek. Or even when we find new ways of asking for things because our kids are not receptive.

Being flexible means we are ok with stepping out of the comfort zone and into the unknown, not necessarily head first, but at least entering with a tiptoe.

Knowing that flexibility is essential, how can we guide our kids in developing flexibility?

Let’s first understand why flexibility is critical in Education:

  1. Adapting to change: Flexibility helps children learn how to adapt to changes, whether in a new school, with new teachers, or with new friends. Life is full of changes, and learning to be flexible helps children navigate them easily.
  2. Problem-solving: Being flexible also helps children to develop problem-solving skills as they learn to think creatively and outside the box when presented with challenges. They can devise different solutions to a problem and choose the best one.
  3. Resilience: Flexibility helps children build resilience and cope with stress and uncertainty. They can bounce back from setbacks and adapt to new situations with confidence.
  4. Building relationships: Being flexible can also help children build better relationships with others. It teaches them to be more understanding, patient and accepting of others' perspectives, which helps them build stronger relationships and friendships.
  5. Success in the workplace: Finally, flexibility is crucial for success. Employers value employees who adapt to change, think creatively, and solve problems. Children are better equipped to succeed in their future careers by learning flexibility at a young age.

Now let’s look at our parenting.

The first question that comes to my mind is: Are we being flexible in parenting?

Flexibility in parenting means working with our child's school to find a learning environment that best meets their needs. But let's face it, as parents; we can sometimes be set in our ways. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking there's only one "right" way to learn. Or that the way we learned is right; after all, we turned out “just fine.”

But here's the thing: our kids have unique curiosities and needs. And as parents, it's our job to be flexible and adapt to those needs. So let's get flexible, get creative, and find new and innovative ways to support our kids' education.

Furthermore, flexibility helps to prepare kids for the real world, where adaptability and problem-solving skills are highly valued. In today's rapidly changing job market, it's essential for kids to be able to learn new skills and adapt to new situations quickly and effectively. By fostering flexibility in education, we can help kids develop the skills they need to succeed in a constantly changing world.

Given the rising need to adapt in this ever-changing world, let’s dive into how to guide our kids in developing flexibility.

What does EduParents do to guide their kids in developing flexibility?

  1. Teach problem-solving skills: Help your child develop problem-solving skills by encouraging them to solve problems differently. For example, if they can’t find their favorite shirt, have them put on a different one.
  2. Encourage open-mindedness: Teach your kids that there is no right way to do things and that everyone's opinion matters. Encourage them to be open to new ideas and perspectives.
  3. Encourage creativity: Encourage your child to be creative by allowing them to explore different forms of self-expression, such as art or music. Creativity can help them develop a more flexible mindset by encouraging them to think outside the box.
  4. Model flexibility: Use your behavior to model flexibility by being open to different ideas and approaches. Show your child that you are open to change.
  5. Celebrate mistakes: Help them understand that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and that trying again is ok. Show your child that mistakes are learning opportunities rather than failures.
  6. Encourage exploration: Give your kids opportunities to try new things and expose them to different cultures and perspectives. Exploration can help them develop a more open and flexible mindset.

But the good news is that we can all become flexible of mind, just like we can become more flexible physically in yoga. With effort and practice, it is possible to cultivate a more flexible mindset that can lead us to personal growth and success.

I am on a mission to dismantle the future of education to find what we can do as parents to support our kids' development.

Reply with your questions or thoughts; I respond to every email I get!



from MindSwitch Education


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Hi! I'm Alexandra

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